速報APP / 商業 / VoxSun Conference

VoxSun Conference



檔案大小:61.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


VoxSun Conference(圖1)-速報App

Please subscribe to this service on www.voxsun.com. This app is not free.

With VoxSun’s mobile videoconferencing app, you can hold a virtual meeting anywhere you are or at any time you want to meet. You will never need to miss a meeting again.

When you are on the go, you can use VoxSun’s videoconferencing application to reach, receive, or set up a session – all on your cell phone.

You can use VoxSun’s app to set up webinars – this is a good way to convert prospects into clients.

Within seconds of signing up for this service at www.voxsun.com and downloading the free app, you can go into your virtual meeting room.


The quality of your meetings is enhanced by HD voice: you will no longer miss out on things that were said

VoxSun Conference(圖2)-速報App

Organize and participate in webinars to convert your prospects and to close sales

Join a meeting (or create one) from any cell phone or tablet

Receive an alert when a meeting is about to start

View presentations, graphics, and reports directly on your screen

Show all the participants attending the videoconference

Display all your future meetings on your calendar

Show all shared content along with notes

VoxSun Conference(圖3)-速報App

VoxSun’s system allows you to attend a videoconference no matter where you may be

You can transfer the control of the meeting to anyone attending

You can use your VoxSun telephone and attend the conference in audio or video mode with a single click

Order your VoxSun Videoconference kit at www.voxsun.com and connect your conference room to VoxSun’s virtual conferencing

Chat via keyboard with conference participants

For greater security, you can encrypt your conversations

Choose your interface language from many that are offered

VoxSun Conference(圖4)-速報App

With VoxSun’s videoconferencing, you offer your employees the possibility of maintaining personal contact, whether they are working from home, outside the office, or even in another country.

While you’re saving money on transportation costs, you also increase your team’s productivity: your team can now devote more time to business-building activities.

No matter whether you are in the office or traveling, VoxSun’s videoconferencing is accessible everywhere, and on all your electronic devices.

VoxSun Conference(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad